Diana Forbes
Diana Forbes

Diana Forbes

Diana Forbes, artist with Wychwood Art. Throughout her childhood in Leipzig, Germany, Diana’s hands were covered in glue from her fondness for arts and crafts. Early memories of sitting with her uncle, an acclaimed sculptor, modelling delicate flower petals from Play-Doh together are still held with fond affection. While anything


One Gathering, Striped Jug and Smoke Bush and Anemone by Diana Forbes
One Gathering, Striped Jug and Smoke Bush and Anemone by Diana Forbes - Secondary Image
One Gathering, Striped Jug and Smoke Bush and Anemone
Original Painting - 78.1 x 91.5 cm
One Gathering by Diana Forbes
One Gathering by Diana Forbes - Secondary Image
One Gathering
Original Painting - 31 x 41 cm
Striped Jug by Diana Forbes
Striped Jug by Diana Forbes - Secondary Image
Striped Jug
Original Painting - 25.7 x 20.3 cm
Smoke Bush and Anemone by Diana Forbes
Smoke Bush and Anemone by Diana Forbes - Secondary Image
Smoke Bush and Anemone
Original Painting - 21.4 x 30.5 cm
Pear Study by Diana Forbes
Pear Study by Diana Forbes - Secondary Image
Pear Study
Original Painting - 20.5 x 20.5 cm
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